Custom Map #3786: map 124. By: yum234

Started by AutoPost, July 18, 2016, 08:18:21 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3786: map 124

Author: yum234
Size: 118x74



What is wrong? 8 scores without rates, but 2 haters without playing and rate "1", "1"....

Evil CW3...  :( :( :(
1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


"Without playing" can equal "without winning" or "without sending score" .

Scores aren't having any connection to rating IMO , Yum. :)


Quote from: yum-forum on July 18, 2016, 12:07:11 PM
What is wrong? 8 scores without rates, but 2 haters without playing and rate "1", "1"....

Evil CW3...  :( :( :(

I wish someone could do something about people rating maps 1 just because they can't beat them :(


Quote from: iwishforpie1 on July 18, 2016, 02:08:15 PM
Quote from: yum-forum on July 18, 2016, 12:07:11 PM
What is wrong? 8 scores without rates, but 2 haters without playing and rate "1", "1"....

Evil CW3...  :( :( :(

I wish someone could do something about people rating maps 1 just because they can't beat them :(

Your first comment in Forum! Thank You!   :-[

Wirgilw promised in Forum:
but, sorry for truth, not kept promises. That is very sad...  :(

P.S. By sql very easy find unfair haters. This is not only problem of my maps!!!
1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


This map is a solid 7 or 8, Nice work, I didn't find it hard to get started, but I did get a little annoyed at the mines being on the same land as 2 of the CN landing sites, Personally I would have just put mines down and not given them so much real estate. Either way nice map Yum, Thank you
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do."
― Robert A. Heinlein


Quote from: chwooly on July 18, 2016, 08:16:40 PM
This map is a solid 7 or 8, Nice work, I didn't find it hard to get started, but I did get a little annoyed at the mines being on the same land as 2 of the CN landing sites, Personally I would have just put mines down and not given them so much real estate. Either way nice map Yum, Thank you

I put mines on CN landinng sites as a small variant of choice: get AC or get energy. Agree with You that map is usual.

Thank You for comment!  :)
1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


Quote from: virgilw on June 16, 2016, 10:37:08 PM

For map 3630 as of the time of this writing there are 64 ratings.
They are:
Eleven 10's
Nineteen 9's
Twenty 8's
Four 7's
Eight 6's
One 5
One 1

It looks like 3630 is actually a really successful and highly rated map.  The single "1" comes from a person who hands out 1's, but not exclusively or mostly.  So in spite of the normal negatives associated with the internet, etc.... I'd say this is on the rosy end of the spectrum.  Most people, most of the time are fighting the good fight around here.  Maybe even more than normal compared to similar places on the internet at large.

For map #77, these are the raw ratings as of 'now':

Quote from: yum-forum on June 14, 2016, 07:17:41 AM

I noticed one more bad things in rating system:

Haters now became also hackers. They can rate not only "1" but even "0" (not "no rating" - real rate "0")! It possible perhaps only if they knows source code of game! And they do so when rating of game became high!

For example history of rating for my map #77:

(resulting rating) (number of scores)  (last rate mathematically calculated)

8.64      123       9
8.65      124      10
8.66      125      10
8.60      126        1   usual hater
8.61      127        9
8.62      128       10
8,61      129         8
8.61      130         8
8.61      131         9
8.61      132         9
8.55      133        0  unusual hater/hacker
8.54      134         7
8.56      135        10+2 (10 and somebody changed previous rating)
8.58      137         9, 10
8.57      138         8
8.59      140        10, 10
8.60      141        10
8.61      142        10
8.55      143          0   unusual hater/hacker
8.56      144         10

Yum , I think that you cannot perfectly know how ratings work , so plz don't care about these?  :'(

Instead concrete to comments here in forum? :)

And game says amount of ratings in next to rating , you could use that instead scores amount to count who rates what?  ???


I think that it has been edited. Also, Virgil is likely busy with PF.

The rating system debate is circular. I propose multidimensional rating data (difficulty 1-10, enjoyment 1-10, finished Y/N), but it's a pain to implement, and it's not worth it to change CW3.

In any case, we enjoy the maps.

No system is perfect, but by all means,
write a rating system in... C# ... I think I heard that somewhere... And send it in. It'll also need to be back-compatible, and have a UI in the front end. Then it has to interface with CW3. Finally, an update has to be pushed out. And let's not forget the changes to the server end.

Alternatively, wait for PF.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


Hello,  i am having a hard time getting started with this map,  can i get a little advice on in please?

Thank you.


Well, assuming you aren't rushing to get the closer Emitters disconnected early (which helps), then there are two key points which you can defend with Cannons to keep the Runners out, near the top-left and rightmost CN spots. AC helps a lot when fighting Digi.

Given this, it becomes a matter of getting enough firepower together and defending a CN. The lowest CN placement spot won't be damaged by Digi, so if you can stop the Creeper building up there, then your network is more-or-less safe.

If you can, it will help to claim the energy packs early, and use them for a quick expansion and two Nullifiers, before the nearby Emitters start producing Creeper. You can then focus on keeping the Runners back.

Also, it'd worth remembering that a little AC on Digi can make flying in a Cannon a very fast way to cut off large areas, keeping Runners back. YOu have a significant amount of AC to work with here - I suggest you use it.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.