Custom Map #5589: Khel's Estate. By: Zydrate

Started by AutoPost, March 17, 2018, 04:59:32 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #5589: Khel's Estate

Author: Zydrate
Size: 256x256

Khel's Estate was once a highly bountiful and luxurious planet with wonderful flowing rivers. IIt was one a bastion of hope and had one of the best defenses known in his time. Unfortunately, after his death the estate fell and the creep began exploiting the river itself. Easy map, probably too big for what I did but hey. Have fun.


I have mixed feelings. There wasn't much of an incentive to do anything on the right side of the map, so with some well placed Bertha shots/strafers I was able to cut a clear path through the Digi to get to the inhibitor.  Also I broke the stats on a spore that never gets built.

I like the LOOK of the map, 'def one of my favorites on an aesthetic level. Just wish I utilized the map a bit more. Indeed, as others have told me, I shouldn't go straight for the max size maps.

I had a few 'fun' moments early in the game when I didn't have enough beams and the spores bombed a couple parts of the rather large estate and cut me off a couple times. I adjusted, managed, and had a lot of fun.

Definitely going to utilize the water texture in the future though.


The map is indeed pretty straight forward...
I started on the top left building my connector network on the high ground, started with a forge and as there was no immediate threat I had plenty of energy, I had so much energy that the energy crystals never got used. But I have to say that I haven't looked after energy and I have overseen them in the beginning. The aether was pretty useful, so my forge was quickly at 3 rate and 3 range, the ideal values to expand with only mortars. Then, as I had unlimited Berthas, I draw a line of no-PZ berthas (8-10) set to auto target, then 2 berthas on the initial PZs to secure my attack... So, it was indeed more a walk in the park. And: Creeper on blue is hard to see...
But overall it's a fun map, not hard but enjoyable.

Greetings from The Shire!
Hey, come to the dark side Discord, we have cookies!


It's a nice looking map.

I'd add some pick-ups or exclusion zones though as you can go straight for the inhibitor with air units.