Custom Map: Creeping lands

Started by AutoPost, April 23, 2010, 10:54:11 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Creeping lands

Author: Germanboy

A hard map vs creeper, try to win...


Not bad, took me a few tries to get the startup going, once you get a good foothold where you can build reactors one at a time without cutting off supply to the blasters, it's just a straight forward push.

I like the hard startup's I tend to do that myself with my maps too.

Nice work


How the Heck Richie Rich made in in under 6 minutes, I will never know. I guess I was too careful after managing to establish myself.. Good Map Though, I enjoyed it!


Loved the startup, wasn't keen on having to go get the drones after connecting all the totems, though.