Custom Map #1582: Shattered. By: Richard333

Started by AutoPost, January 08, 2015, 09:45:34 AM

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Quote from: Loren Pechtel on January 08, 2015, 11:46:50 PM
Bug:  The rail-runners continue to move while the game is paused.  I don't think they fire, though.
Managed to get it to happen once and i think it happens when you pause right as it spawns it. Never had it happen before and thank you for reporting that to me.

Edit1: Seems reloading fixes it.


Loved this map! Good work, found the south east island a little easy to take as the perimeter was not well guarded by beams but still a fun challenge through out. I never got to that 'stalemate' point that sometimes happens with other PAC maps.

Thanks Hubs for those shortcuts, I had no idea you could pause the spores, I have been deleting them and trying to rebuild them at just the right moment, it wasn't working!


Finally got around to play this one and enjoyed it quite a bit. It was pretty easy but reminded me alot of some of the original PAC maps.


Thought I had a comment for this map, good that I can attack the bertha island with phantoms, but it takes quite a while until I got to those berthas and once they died the map became an easier pac.