Custom Map #4105: puzzle. By: HornlessTheCharizard

Started by AutoPost, December 09, 2016, 05:40:35 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4105: puzzle

Author: HornlessTheCharizard
Size: 43x43

1080 packets 1 pulse cannon


what in the world?
no CN and limited packets it took all packets and I could not even build one nullifier.


I could build a nullifier with the help of a shield, but afterwards I ended with the guppies refuelling each other, and in the end the PZ guppies wouldn't start because their pad would never fill up, so in the end I had half of their payload useless.

This probably could be made to work by carefully sending a single guppy at a time, and destroying it once it's unloaded so it doesn't suck up energy.
Maybe with enough energy efficiency it's possible to set up a self-reinforcing energy cycle. I couldn't get that to work, and I have no idea why some guppies would get resupplied and others wouldn't.
But in the end, I couldn't be bothered. Too many ifs and maybes, and I hate toying around without an idea of what I'm doing.


If you set the guppies to "STOP RESUPPLY", they will not take up the packets.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.