Custom Map #2955: Mt. Brosyk. By: Master Evar

Started by AutoPost, December 28, 2015, 07:55:01 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2955: Mt. Brosyk

Author: Master Evar
Size: 256x256

A large scale battle against the creeper, with a medium/hard difficulty. Central creeper emitter releases enormous amounts of creeper, and a group of spore towers will keep the player under heavy bombardment. This map can be laggy after some time, because of all the weapons/creeper. This map will probably take a lot of time to beat, but you only need to destroy the inhibitor to win the map.


A good big fight.  Given my time it doesn't seem anyone used my starting strategy so here it is:

Land very briefly in the SE corner.  Turn off the beams and mortars, send them towards NW corner.  Build a collector to get the Thor and nothing else.  Immediately hop back to space.  Reland in NW corner and build defenses including a Thor.  Get energy up and running to spam berthas.  I also crept down to get the one easy emitter and used its plain for more energy/bertha space.


Yeah, it becomes a lagfest once you are stabilized enough to start pushing.

Does anybody know how to get the Thor (or any other tech) using just a Guppy? I think I managed to do it once but couldn't reproduce it.


@Jerdog I tried your approach but found that homebase would be overrun.
Maybe with some more finetuning it would have worked, but I found that even with a normal start the creeper would spill into the base if you weren't extra-careful so I didn't try.

Was anybody able to make use of the strafers and bombers?


This is a map from 2015 so you are unlikely to find anyone who remembers it! I missed it the first time round though so probably give it a go now.

Tech cannot be collected by guppy, you probably connected the tech to your network with the help of a guppy which released it.

Looking at the map Jerdog has given the perfect start.


You can land the CN, diasble all resupply for all the units and then send the CN back into space once a collector is built. You should be able to reland your CN in 40 seconds from start of play in the top left and you have 1750 free power whcih is more than enough time and energy to build a load of reactros and line your defense with mortors.


Just played this map for the first time. It was a bit of a slog but a fun challenge. Pretty early on I...

Used berthas to clear the top right, and sent my charged thor over there with 5 guppies and pretty easily nullified all the powerful spore towers, making the game much easier!


Thanks GM.

And yeah it is a slog, I didn't bother finishing this one but it was quite an interesting start to get the defenses up quick enough, just not fun advancing for me.