Custom Map #4349: skeedoo. By: gottobe

Started by AutoPost, April 06, 2017, 05:24:18 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4349: skeedoo

Author: gottobe
Size: 128x84



Fun little speedrun map.

With this map and another I don't recall, it'd be twice this week I'd get that achievement for good score (top 10?) in map with more than x number of plays. :)


"Born Leader" - Arguably one of the most hack-causing achievements out there.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.

Johnny Haywire

Once again EA trompin' and stompin' on the speediness. Tried this map twice and it's one of the more unique speed-run maps I've seen. Not sure if skeedoo intended it to be a speedrun or not, but what's cool about it is you can set it up, unpause, then pause once or twice more and finish the map. Most speedruns require intense use of "N" and/or pause. Glad this one doesn't!

Thanks for the map!  ;D
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