Custom Map #4331: Fortress Defense. By: LEØ

Started by AutoPost, March 26, 2017, 11:23:09 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4331: Fortress Defense

Author: LEØ
Size: 256x128

My first map ever created, i hope you guys enjoy. There is a totem you have to collect in regard to complete the map. I hope your results vill be better than mine XD

Johnny Haywire

Cool idea for a map - I hope you make more!

I would have preferred a "no Inhibitor map" since it's designed to be a straight push. As it is, I just ignored everything else and took out the inhibitor. Just a thought for your next map   ;)

Thanks for the map!  ;D
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


Yeah well done on your first map, I enjoyed it too, it was nicely arranged. I do tend to avoid maps that have units already built, setting up base is half of the fun! You also provide an insane amount of energy and AC to start with making this a bit of a speed run map.


Thanks guys for your responses! I'll try to make more maps for you! :)