Custom Map #400: map 45 TRENCH WARFARE. By: yum234

Started by AutoPost, December 02, 2016, 05:24:01 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #400: map 45 TRENCH WARFARE

Author: yum234
Size: 448x252

One step forward two steps back :) #GoodLuck


Fighting retreat done right.

General thoughts:
Another good map by Yum234.  All the ship designs are good. I must admit I like the Big Wolf featured in his other maps over the battleship featured on this one.  The Jet Liner (not 100% on the name, from memory) is a bit overdone, as it's impossible to supply enough power to meet it's energy demands.  These are just nitpicks though.  The biggest weakness of this map is the placement of the bulldozers.  They're practically a necessity for the home stretch of the mission, but take forever to build. This messes with the pacing of the mission by leaving the player just waiting.

My Rating:

My time:
29:42 First run.
19:34 Second run.

Moderate to hard.


I agree with the above, with one other flag to raise: The sheer number of Doppels firing in the final section causes a particle cloud that absorbs every MK7 shot available. There's really no need for more than, say, four of them. They still each take an MK7 head-on, but...

Essentially, the maps in this section of the yum234 catalogue spend significant time waiting for the Bulldozer to build, which detracts from otherwise worthwhile maps. A lighter ship on the same plan (say, half the thickness of the armour?) will be about as effective when supported, but take far less time to build. I attach such a ship plan, coming in at two-thirds of the hull size and one third of the build time.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


I suspect that just 4 dopples wouldn't work as well there.  I think it would make it easy to wipe them and charge the spawners.  Specifically, draw their fire from up close with some ships, and flank them with mk7 ships.  The way it's set up currently, I don't think works as it's just too hard to kill them fast enough to get in there.  Still, you probably are right about using a smaller ship in place of the bulldozers.  The "Big Shield" that he used in some of his other maps would probably be a good fit.


I tested LightDozer of GM and surely it is better. At least with similar power more short time of construction.
1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now