Custom Map #475: DA P2 The Expanse. By: Dark Ambition

Started by AutoPost, December 24, 2016, 06:16:06 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #475: DA P2 The Expanse

Author: Dark Ambition
Size: 216x384

The expedition enters into the Mojave Expanse in search for more data. Some ships used are made by General Warfield, on the forum. (Namesake for the guy in the story as well) This is my second map. Please give me feedback on the forum page, I need the brain food!

Dark Ambition

Sir, i've finished the report and i'm sticking it in with the recording.

 <- Legit spoilers bro, play the map first.
Mission: 78
Sub: 2
Status: --SUCCESS--

Officer Volya of the Horan Galactic Rebel Alliance was the first to arrive in the system, and was able to hold her ground with the three vessels she was supposed to deliver us. All equipment accounted for.

There were many AOI's (Area of Interest) in this system. The largest one is what seems to be a research station feeding plasma and energy into the archive, and the archive continuosly projected plasma in a stream that corroded the terrain, it also bent towards power zones and gravity fields. This defensive plasma also deteriorated if it directly hit an emitter, slowing the emision rate of that emitter.

The research outpost had power generator's that are very similar to our own energy mines. This is interesting, as we have had energy mines for so long that we forgot where they came from. Our energy mines, and technology derrived from or correlating to them, may be Precursor in origin.

The power generator's had wires connected to the Archive, feeding energy and plasma to it. All of the wires hanging in space were corrupted by emitters and the emitters took residence where the wires met. We noticed that, when these emitters were destroyed, they left power zones in place with an energy level of five for each. The emitters were drawing power from the wires, and storing so much of it that it created an energy zone when released. Nothing else can store that much energy without creating a kugelblitz, how is this possible?

The outpost had a dormatory in it, holding residential and work spaces for around 30 staff. We found nothing of note in this dorm, but the archive itself held the list of everyone who worked here and the planets they were from. One thing that is interesting: Someone updated the archive and listed everyone as deceased and all the planets listed destroyed. With one exeption, an Archivist named "Locus Joven" Is still listed as alive. Of course he is dead by now, this was an entire era ago. However he must have survived the particulate long enough to get to this archive and update it. But why update it? What would updating an archive do to help him? His birth place, Cyxil, is one of the many planets here in the Mojave Expanse. That's our next destination.

Complete inventory-
Personell: Adalar (CEO), Warfield (General), Volya (Officer), Corvo (Ensign)
Equipment: Three Fighters, One RR Fighter, One Disdan, One Haydern, One Halcyon, One Froyd, Two Command, Five Omni's, Three Amp gems

Corvo -Ensign- Frontline Corporation

Dark Ambition

I should also thank Stickman. He came up with the research outpost and the plasma flow ideas, as well as the translating to Russian!


Nice map. I liked the design but it wasn't quite as difficult as I was expecting. Seemed a bit vulnerable to omnis starting from the top.. not sure if that was intended? I think you may have given too much of a foothold at the beginning as I didn't need to touch the ships till I finished my Omni attack and went after the emitters.

Look forward to some more :)

Dark Ambition

Thanks! ;D

Next map coming shortly! Hopefully very shortly.