CW3 Steam Mac, does not start

Started by Grekain1, November 26, 2016, 09:55:44 AM

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I have a MacBookAir with macOS Sierra version 10.12.1. I recently bought and installed the Steam version of Creeper World 3 Arc Eternal but whenever I start the game through Steam the icon pops up in the task bar, jumps up and down for about a minute and then closes itself. I located the player.log file and noticed that when I start the game through Steam it does not seem to update, but when I start the game from the Steam folder I get an actual log file so I uploaded that one. Also when I start from the file itself a black window pops up for a few seconds and then closes itself completely, no icon in the task bar for a minute this time.

One obvious error in the log was:
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Directory '/Users/grekain1/Documents/creeperworld3' not found.
  at System.IO.Directory.GetFileSystemEntries (System.String path, System.String searchPattern, FileAttributes mask, FileAttributes attrs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories (System.String path, System.String searchPattern) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at FileManager.RenameDir (System.String path, System.String dir) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

I then created a folder in said path and the error disappeared from the log but there was no change in how the game starts. Also the created folder remains empty.

Lastly I checked for permissions on the .config folder and it seems to all be in order:
drwxr-xr-x    5 grekain1  staff      170 26 Nov 13:47 .config

Appreciate all the help, really wanna play :D



The steam version will always try to 'run under steam'.  So when you launch the game directly, it starts, then tells the steam client to start the game, then exits.  That can explain the up and down windows.  A similar things happens on windows and linux.

So that directory being empty is a problem for sure.  When the game fully starts it should start to fill up with stuff.    I'd do these things:
1: A full reboot
2: After rebooting, make sure you are running the steam client as user grekain1 (or administrator).
3: Try launching the game from within the steam client.

Assuming the steam client is running as a user with the correct permissions, it should access the Documents/creeperworld3 directory, then start up the game, and start populating it with files.  If that doesn't happen, try searching for a directory called "creeperworld3" elsewhere. Could be the steam client isn't running as the user you think it is and it is trying to create the directory elsewhere.

If none of that shakes an apple loose, send me a private message and I'll send you a non steam version of the game to try.  That will let us get steam out of the way if necessary.


Thank you for the fast reply and I am very ashamed to not have tried a restart yet, I reinstalled it many times but didn't restart. It's the simple things you don't try. It seems to work all well and good now :D

Thanks again, and if I get any more errors I'll be sure to post here again.
