Custom Map #4090: Mettelschortisch. By: Stromy

Started by AutoPost, November 29, 2016, 09:16:45 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4090: Mettelschortisch

Author: Stromy
Size: 128x84

Lass dich nicht duch die Metalresewen auf der rechten Seite teuchen, deine Metall wird schneller ausgehen als dir lieb ist denn die Erzadern sind wenig ergibig und werden von spornern geschüzt. Aber der dicke Sporner der die beiden Schildschlüßel förmlich Überflutet ist natürlich der schlimste also kontzentire deine truppen und bleib geduldig dann ist es nicht besonders schwer.

Fixed characters.

Johnny Haywire

qatlh DuHbe' mugh SoH vaj English Hol?

ben law' batlhmey tlhIngan wo'!


You disagree with this sentence, don't you?

Johnny Haywire

Rough translation of map description:

Ok, so you can siphon a little bit of ore and energy at the beginning but it's not much so you should try to use that wisely to accumulate more. If you don't know how to do that, you're an orange one-winged bat with no jellyfish to eat.

[It's possible that last bit is not a very accurate translation]
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


Really could have done with a Forge and totems.