[Suggestion] Even better energy display?

Started by Stickman, November 26, 2016, 07:49:39 PM

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Short: Please show maximum energy production from mired land.

Maximum energy production from mired land can change drastically from map to map in exchange. Knowing how much energy you can make from land can change first steps on the map, allowing player to make better choices if they should build ships or omnis, what upgrades they should put gems on, etc. Game shows very clearly how much energy you can get from mines, but energy from land is completely unknown unless you start miring and calculating.

I'm putting an old post under spoiler because it's confusing
Short: Compact energy production from two numbers to overall production. Show energy production by source plus maximum possible mire production on mouseover.

It's a minor thing and it would not probably change too much.
1) I think that showing just overall energy production is better for understanding how much energy you produce and how much of a spare production you have. You just skip adding two numbers in mind.
2) I think that there should be a way to to see how much energy you currently get from different sources to make informed decisions on, say, spending amp gem. So it should be kept, not completely discarded.
3) Energy from mines is adjustable and can be easily seen on screen at any time, allowing you to predict your energy income. Energy from mired land is adjustable, but you cannot see it unless you mire some land and make calculations. Or mire everything entirely. Knowing how much potential energy you can get from mired land can give you some ideas, for example, to focus more on ships or omnis at the start of the map.
It would be nice to hear what you guys think.

I'm an idiot for not realizing that total energy is already shown on energy bar in BIG BOLD NUMBERS. I have no idea how I played so many games focusing on two smaller numbers. Point about maximum mire energy is still viable, I think.

Rewrote the post to keep clear about mired land energy production.
=====> This is a moderately pointy stick. You need to poke me with it once in three days if you need PRPL from me


I'm definitely all over the idea to somehow show how energy-rich the land is. Back when I was playing non-story missions, that was one of the first questions I had to learn the answer to in order to play the mission properly. And it wasn't a pleasant, fun exploration either.


Related: land height greatly affects energy production. Level 5 terrain produces 5x the energy per cell compared to level 1 terrain. This particular mechanic is not (far as I can see) explained anywhere in-game.
Pretty sure I'm supposed to be banned, someone might want to get on that.

Quote from: GoodMorning on December 01, 2016, 05:58:30 PM"Build a ladder to the moon" is simple as a sentence, but actually doing it is not.


Also , map editor has general tab and there is option to set max energy from land.


Quote from: planetfall on November 27, 2016, 09:41:35 AM
Related: land height greatly affects energy production. Level 5 terrain produces 5x the energy per cell compared to level 1 terrain. This particular mechanic is not (far as I can see) explained anywhere in-game.
I didn't know that. I've checked first five campaign missions and haven't seen any mention of it at all. It certainly works in map editor. That's a interesting piece of information, like amp gems boosting defense.

Quote from: Builder17 on November 27, 2016, 09:52:46 AM
Also , map editor has general tab and there is option to set max energy from land.
I was talking about playing exchange maps, not creating them. As far as I know, there is no indication of maximum energy possible from mired land when you just download and play exchange map.
=====> This is a moderately pointy stick. You need to poke me with it once in three days if you need PRPL from me


I hadn't realised about land height affecting energy. A little bit of map design trickery comes to mind.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.