Custom Map #125: The Something. By: Professor Ocecat

Started by AutoPost, October 07, 2016, 08:05:05 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #125: The Something

Author: Professor Ocecat
Size: 500x281



Pretty good  level. I think the design is nice. I mean the layout and land and were everything is placed is pretty awesome. I think it's a tad bit on the easy side however there needs to be maps of many different difficulties so a tad bit easy is not really a problem. Plus I'm decently well at the game others may not find it as easy. 

No real negatives I could mention. Well I think this level could benefit from have some of the emitters particles set to target ships. I think many of the particles in this level get trapped or stuck to mines so there is very little threat in this level. Excellent layout. Thanks for the upload.


I can't take much credit: It was a simulacrum map.