Custom Map #3582: Spunky V.2. By: Spitfire

Started by AutoPost, May 24, 2016, 07:39:13 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3582: Spunky V.2

Author: Spitfire
Size: 128x84

Changes: I noticed a few things wrong with the first version. The snipers in the top left can now actually fire; and the emitters take a little bit more time to activate so that you have more time to set up shop. -------- You've finally reached the Warp Inhibitor-inhabited world, but it seems like those Runners aren't too keen on letting it be easy for you.


That is a very detailed and instructive opening dialog for an unprotected inhibitor 30-second map.


The inhibitor doesn't start creeper production until about 45 seconds into the game. There's a ledge next to it where you can place a nullifier that, with 3 CN's and your lower nullifer cost, allows it to destroy the inhibitor in just over 30 seconds (normal unit costs would be about 45 seconds, which I think could still be achieved in your map).

Things that can prevent the fast win:
* Make sure the ledge next to the inhibitor is covered in creeper in less than 30 seconds (40 with normal unit costs).
* Adjust terrain so you can't land so many CN's in range of the inhibitor and connect them together.
* Digitalis can also be used... if it grows across that ledge in time, it can kill a nullifier.
"Fate. It protects fools, little children, and ships named 'Enterprise.'" -William T. Riker