Custom Map #669: Fruits of the untracked Asteroid. By: Courtesy

Started by AutoPost, June 16, 2014, 03:26:04 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #669: Fruits of the untracked Asteroid

Author: Courtesy
Size: 128x128

The simulant and Lia have a disagreement on threat assessment. What's your call? This map is easier than Trials in Tainted Space; and is more difficult to beat than to actually survive. #Spores #OhGodTheSpores #AbraxisSimulant #LimitedTech #NoAether #WhyAmINotInPain


As it says. This map is designed to be much easier. I was playing around with spores and getting a basic idea of what sorts of threats you can and can't resolve with a few spore towers. When I was done, I fine-tuned the testing map and added some dialog for a relatively easy level. The challenge is more in completing it than actually surviving.


Curiously enough, I found finishing it to be quite easy.  Then again, I was able to get a really good start, and capture both viable starting islands out of the starting gate, and old-school capped the emitter on the lower left before it could overflow the upper areas (I let the command node take some damage).  The emitter on the top right wasn't much more difficult, and with two islands to draw upon, I only had to let one wave of spores hit any of my stuff.

Quite easy to finish if you rush, but I can see how it would become somewhat trickier if you got bogged down.