Custom Map #3163: Digitalis World. By: Pusillanimous

Started by AutoPost, February 14, 2016, 11:58:53 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3163: Digitalis World

Author: Pusillanimous
Size: 90x90

A world all but covered in Digitalis... A single, weak Emitter... What could go wrong? (Apart from the Digitalis supports which can't be Nullified, and something all but indestructible at the end...) #CRPL


I hope nobody is too annoyed by this. All destructions are possible.


The Sniper-vulnerable units are usually soft, so a Sniper can land, shoot, and move on, regenerating.
The Beams sometimes need to be clustered.
A few units are very hard to destroy.
If it regenerates, use massed Nullifiers. Do not try to repeat-hit it. Recall that there is a Disarm command.
There is no AC.
Mortars are almost useless.
There is a reason for the item obtained in the lower-right corner.
The Totems are accelerated. But Singularity will not help you.
Strafers are invaluable when scaling some hills. But they need power.

Feel free to borrow (loot, plunder and/or cannibalize) the script. It's all utility stuff, so save yourself some effort.

As a side challenge: see if you can get every space occupied by a unit. Make sure that you have a Forge in there.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


Lost my entire defense at least once due to a weakness in the line. Caused some swearing at the computer!

I like that the units are all different, males for a much more interesting battle.

All units create digitalis so if anyone thinks they can just take out the far emitter with guppys and cannons think again!


The different vulnerabilities are intended. I should probably have made the snipable ones more resistant.
How does simething whose vulnerabilities change sound? Big regen, and so just one thing won't work... Although the Thor is three-in-one.

Come to think of it, why can't the Thor have a built-in Nullifier? Or have one pre-built to bomb an Emitter with? (Balancing, I get. What's the in-game excuse for it? It seems that Lia and Skars should move to the (invincible) Thor, and, controlling CNs from there, drop in pre-built Nullifiers. (Best guess: Nullifiers must be constructed in place... for some reason... but nobody but Lia knows how they work... Hmmm...))
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


Surprisingly not annoyed.

But stuck.

How to take out the lower right emitter after retrieving thor?  Can't nullify, beam, snipe, blast, mortar, strafe, bomb, bertha, spray, collect, shield, or terp.  What did I miss?


The thing you missed was there in your post:
The Thor. Specifically, the main cannons.

I am impressed that you weren't annoyed after trying all of those.
I was trying to hint in the description, with "virtually indestructible".
Clearly, I was not clear enough.

There's a thought: a collectible Emitter... Although it would have to be called a warp gate or some such, that needed power to 'seal' it.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


I figured I missed something.  Thanks for the quick response.  I must have spent at least 5 minutes extra minutes trying everything I could think of.


You may have noticed that the time I took was rather longer than that.

Where did you get AC from?
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


Quote from: Jerdog on February 15, 2016, 05:34:36 PM
Can't nullify, beam, snipe, blast, mortar, strafe, bomb, bertha, spray , collect, shield, or terp. 

Maybe not spray. :)


Or bomb.

Am working on something else, that should hopefully be faster. I must be making maps that turn to slog, if you didn't design them.

Feedback appreciated.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.

Johnny Haywire

Very interesting map! Can't say I remember any other map like it - good job!

Also a good lesson in reading instructions. I spent over an hour just navigating through the field to hit ONLY the nullifier-vulnerable ones thinking after I hit them all the other ones would become vulnerable. Built a beam by accident and realized I should've paid closer attention to the dialogue.  :P
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


Map completed. I completely forgot that thor has additional weapon, so I also wasted like 10 minutes, trying different approaches, even leaving the node alone (maybe it would die on blue digitalis with no creeper underneath?:P). But I liked the map!


Thanks. I will make another somewhat like it, but cut down on the Digitalis. It worked once, but a puzzle map should hold something more, I feel. (Also, slogging past a digi carpet ages very fast as a challenge. Coming up with a worthwhile successor could be difficult though.)
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.