Custom Map #3178: creeper sleeper. By: creeper destroyer

Started by AutoPost, February 17, 2016, 07:52:07 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3178: creeper sleeper

Author: creeper destroyer
Size: 256x256

OKAY, this one can, might, maybe even WILL lag you. also, it might crash you. don't take that as a will, just that it could. and, it didn't crash me, just took a good 20 minutes or so to get going. of course, it was quite a bit more diffucult than the last one. you accually had to work to get to a position, and then it was still difficult. i didn't even go near the, ah, mass emitter, or the 2000 0.03 emitter. there is another way.

Johnny Haywire

Yes, there IS another way but there's no guarantee the game will work after you win. It took just over a minute to win this time but after the CN blew up the game just locked up. I'll let it run for a bit and see if it works.

As you can see from the pic (click "SPOILER"), I deleted everything I had built in hopes that it might reduce the lag upon ending. Didn't work. Notice the time is 1:06.3 - it may not be an "insta-win" but just about every building is instantaneous which makes me feel like I'm cheating. I might try the other CN and see if that works instead.

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Johnny Haywire

UPDATE Ok, I thought maybe if I let the game run a little longer before taking out a CN it might work. It didn't. However, rather than just give up I left the computer on all night and in the morning I saw the "victory" screen. I hit "Claim Victory" and after about 5-10 minutes came back and submitted my score.

Is it worth it to play the game and let it run for a long time after you win to post your 1-minute score? You decide!

I'm really not sure what's the point of making maps that aren't playable - I'd much rather have a small map that's actually playable than a huge map that isn't. Staring at a large map and thinking, "Wow, that's a nice big map" really doesn't appeal to the gamer in me.  8)

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Yeah all sorts of bugs, white screen of death and I swear I heard my computer groan  ???

Johnny Haywire

Yeah, easy map with only 2 posted scores. And one of them (mine) only posted b/c I let the computer run for hours. And now I'm kinda wondering if I shouldn't have posted the score - I think if no other scores are posted then the map gets reported and taken off. I dunno. But this map is virtually unplayable as it is, and it's so close to an instant-win anyway... I dunno.
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creeper destroyer

there is the "MakeRain" that, well, i put a little too high. by a lot. yeah. and your computer groaned???!!! ??? ??? ???
is that possible?
and of course i did warn you. but... HOURS? it took only-well, not ONLY- about 30 in due to lag.
CW4 is gonna work like trash on my computer.

Johnny Haywire

It's a figure of speech in English - a hyperbole, or exaggeration - to say his computer was struggling very much. It wasn't *actually* groaning but it was so slow it seemed like that. English is a weird language, lol.

As for my computer, yeah it's not the fastest either but I'm not sure that's the problem. (Intel Quad-core extreme @ 3.0 ghz, 8 gig ram). The CPU was only running around 25% on all 4 cores, spiking occasionally around 70%.

Two suggestions:
1) Make a map that will be challenging for the average player. Experienced players might still find it easy, but at least it won't be a 1-minute battle. If you're not sure how to make it more challenging, I'll be glad to help and I'm sure others will to. Just ask!  ;D
2) Make a map that will be playable on the average computer. If there's lag, most people aren't going to like that. Most people won't wait even 2 minutes for the game to actually end.

Thanks for making the effort to make maps!  ;D
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