Custom Map #3082: castle. By:

Started by AutoPost, January 22, 2016, 07:46:53 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3082: castle

Size: 128x84


Loren Pechtel

That second message capsule sounded like there was something special in the fort.  I blew the strange object and used it's PZ to get the inhibitor, nothing special.  Did I miss something?


Well nobody posted an author, so whoever did this may not be able or willing to answer that question.

However I played this, and the game got all messed up, as in I couldn't unpause, the creeper was flowing really fast but in layers of 2, sprayers were acting all broken, and numerous other errors probably caused by a bug of some sort...

Actually, I'll try examining map resources to see if there was a problem.

Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆


This game worked fine for me. I've had games refuse to unpause for me before. Saving and reloading usually works.


Quote from: Loren Pechtel on January 24, 2016, 09:40:24 AM
That second message capsule sounded like there was something special in the fort.  I blew the strange object and used it's PZ to get the inhibitor, nothing special.  Did I miss something?

i messed up the massage and didnt fully delete the original text but basically i am working on another map that is going to take place on the inside of the castle so castle part 2 if you will i plan on having multiple parts for the castle as the layers are limited

but if you have any ideas on the castle i am open to suggestions

the current one i am working on right now is the main hall way with some rooms attached to give a unique challenge i am limiting the forge's resource and will be scattering them throughout the rooms but i am really feeling like 256 x 256 is far too big for the playability but certainly does give that grand size


Are you the original Author?

Please leave an author name next time so we can better help you as you grow to become a master mapmaker.  ;D

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The fatal spore with the funny name!

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Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆


yea i was the original author but i was a bit tipsy when first making this map so thats why i overlooked things like the author name and fully deleting type message here lol


Message isn't bad thing , because it doesn't affect gameplay at all.
More bad is Crpl core what does nothing but helping player nullify unnecessary inhibitor.  :)


yea i put it in there not knowing what it did and was experimenting lol