Custom Map #3139: Monster in the Woods. By: Nottootricky

Started by AutoPost, February 05, 2016, 07:19:07 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3139: Monster in the Woods

Author: Nottootricky
Size: 99x99

No surprises. Just my first map for fun, so enjoy! Go for the eyes!


Well it is surprisingly hard.

Cool map and concept but I can't see how to beat it.


Well in the absence of special units I deliberately turned off terps. No special trick, just cram as much firepower in as you can. The left eye is easier than the right. You'll also need max build speed and high packet rate to get your nullifier built before the next splurge of alien eye goo overcomes you.


If eyes are that bad , how about other parts of this monster?


Eye nothing!  I couldn't  survive creeper coming in under the eaves.  I quit before the roof collapsed.


This was a bit tricky! The ending is a bit of a grind and basically required a bombardment of the left eye with strafers ad mortars. The creep flowing down can  be contained, a couple of mortars under the roof help.


There is no ore mines and sprayers and so no AC. And wind is little too strong. Maybe easier version of this?


Agree with Domonik that bit of a grind at the end, but the wind helps you. Get your defence in and the roof will stay intact, then go round the sides. wind means that you build at the top of the eye. send in suicide cannons to damp the creep down and with a shield you can get your emitter off. wasn't supposed to be quite so hard but definitely doable. Personally I love terming the heck out of things but i spent too long making it look nice so didn't want anyone spoiling my nice trees! Also seemed to not fit with the concept, likewise with AC, wouldn't have made sense somehow.
Also seem to have somehow messed up the opening text. live and learn.
Will post screen shots if people still struggling too much...


It does look awesome, I love maps with creative terrain.


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Not getting a wonderful response about this first effort. Seems people either find too hard or if not then just don't like the unintentionally grind end.
Will think of something else and have another crack sometime.
Posting screenshot for those who want a pointer as to how it's done...


Don't let it get you down, it is a great first map, just too hard for most. It is a difficult energy battle throughout and a tough ending.

You will never make a map that pleases everyone, just make them for your own taste, have fun and others will appreciate them as well.

If you really want great feedback and high ratings then just make PAC maps!  :P