In Game Text fuzzy and hard to read.

Started by deamon, December 28, 2015, 04:16:25 AM

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Hi, I just got creeper 3 and I've played the first several missions. However, the text in many places is hard to read. I looked at the thread here:
but I have an Nvidia card, so the suggestions don't directly apply to my problem.

I'm running the Steam version (v 2.08), on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. CPU: i7-970, 12GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 580. I've tried running in Full Screen or windowed Mode. My Graphics drivers are up to date (v 361.43). I don't see a log.txt file in "c:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Roaming\CreeperWorld3\log.txt" only "gamesettings.xml" and "inputmanager.xml" I've turned off antialisaing settings in Nvidia control panel for this game where they seemed to apply.

Playing on any resolution other than 800x600 is basically unreadable in most places. Obviously, that's no good in a game with a lot of text! Screenshots attached. Help is appreciated.


Oh, and I found the Log, Attached.


Your text looks a tad fuzzy but not nearly as bad as on that other thread.  Actually, everything looks a tad fuzzy in your screenshots.  Usually this is related to manually forcing texture quality to "low" in GPU settings.  The best option is to leave it as "Application Controlled".

Try changing the settings for textures, not just anti-aliasing, and also running in both a window and full screen at different resolutions to see if that makes any difference.  Virgil has also seen cases where application specific GPU settings don't seem to make any difference, only global settings. But that is mainly on ATI cards.