Custom Map #2982: Something New. By: GameGibu

Started by AutoPost, January 01, 2016, 05:06:29 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2982: Something New

Author: GameGibu
Size: 128x64

My first map with a custom script. Happy New Year Earthlings! -GameGibu #CRPL #nodigitalis #nospores #norunners #custom #script


The mines were cool but super easy to deal with.

Just send a blaster around to land near each one momentarily.  Deal with creeper later.

The hill, on the other hand, was not so friendly.

I am the least likely person to like a CPRL map.  But this I didn't dislike.


Thanks for the feedback!
Maybe I'll make mines a bit more troublesome in a future map.

As for the rest of the map, I wasn't trying to blow everyone away with that because I spent most of today recovering from an infinite loop that occurred in my script.

Thanks again!
Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆

Johnny Haywire

Dude, great map! At the rate you're pumping these out, we're gonna have a hard time keeping up with you! (That's a GOOD thing)  ;D

This map presented its own unique challenges - certainly not impossible even for a beginner, and not very complicated so virtually anyone can beat the map with enough trial and error. I think this map has something for just about anyone. And the dialogue is certainly a welcome relief! It's at least a B+ in grammar and (more importantly) an A+ for creativity and content. The humorous quips are a bonus, although many might not get it I dunno. ("And I would have gotten away for it if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" - I chuckled hard at that one but there are probably tons of kids who've never even heard of Scooby Doo).

For me, I'm not even sure what critique I could give on this map, not being a mapmaker myself... I'd kinda prefer to have an added challenge of generating my own power and Aether, but in this map's case I'm not so sure.  Loved it. Even did it a second time just for fun  ;D
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?



The grammar was intentional. :P

But other than that it wasn't meant to be a really challenging map, as it was more of a way to show that I learned how to do basic CRPL within a week of me owning this game.  :D

And I really wanted this game just for the mapmaking...

If you want to check out my maps-in-progress, go to this page:
Topic 19865.0

Thanks to all who provided feedback, you're very helpful! ;D

Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆

Johnny Haywire

Just a week, eh? Pretty stinkin' impressive! I haven't attempted making a single map... sounds time-consuming. I'm interested to see what kind of malicious CPRL you come up with... as long as I can CTRL your CPRL, I think I ALT to be able to DELETE it. Ok, I'll stop now. Just don't YOU stop, k?  ;)
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


i love the creeper-mines very cool and original dude!  8)
may well steal that code myself!
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


go ahead and copy the code my scripts are free for everyone.  ;D

Wishing you earthlings the best,
Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆