Custom Map #2860: Psycho Presents: The Forgotten Spores. By: PSYCHOLOGICAL

Started by AutoPost, December 07, 2015, 12:04:57 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2860: Psycho Presents: The Forgotten Spores

Size: 164x84

Loki is back again with another one of his attempts for planetary annihilation. This time, he possesses a massive spore tower. With limited combat towers, the resistance must rely on airborne units to stop Loki and his evil plan.


Not a bad challenge.  Initially looks too hard with the limited units, but definitely doable.  My advice would be to build all you can, and get all the units you can, eventually it gets possible to bridge the gap.


That much digitalis would be pretty hard to guppy into without 4(!) Thors.


Quote from: Jerdog on December 07, 2015, 05:45:27 PM
That much digitalis would be pretty hard to guppy into without 4(!) Thors.

I built a thor - but didn't use it. You have much more powerful weapons at your disposal.


A few plane things *name leaves me* helps with removing the creeper, and using  Pulser set to digi help, as I hide in the back corner. Guppy can be there safely.