Custom Map #2700: Stacking v2. By: Karma's coming!

Started by AutoPost, October 17, 2015, 01:30:29 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2700: Stacking v2

Author: Karma's coming!
Size: 99x198



Loren Pechtel

What's the point of flip emitters when you have no ability to hit them with anti-creeper????

Beyond that, simply march on the line of towers.


Clear out the middle emitters of all  creeper then wait for the above emitters to hit. That flips 1, which assists in the other flips
To use [OUR] Custom Modules, go to Forums/Knuckle Cracker/PFE/Map Makers, Ship Builders, and Coders, Go to the pinned posts, find the one named "Custom Modules Thread", Open it, Scroll down until you find ShipModule, Apply that into your map, do not apply it into map if one copy already exists, Apply the Adder script (Sometimes named "Master.prpl, sometimes [shipname]Adder, etc.) and the actual used scripts [which i will state in my posts]. If one copy already exists, do not apply another copy. -The CMC :-)


Should probably have noted this earlier. I removed all ways of disposing with AC  8) so you dont get a surge from the direct frontlines. If you let your weapons take all the C out fast enough, the AC from above will kick in.
To use [OUR] Custom Modules, go to Forums/Knuckle Cracker/PFE/Map Makers, Ship Builders, and Coders, Go to the pinned posts, find the one named "Custom Modules Thread", Open it, Scroll down until you find ShipModule, Apply that into your map, do not apply it into map if one copy already exists, Apply the Adder script (Sometimes named "Master.prpl, sometimes [shipname]Adder, etc.) and the actual used scripts [which i will state in my posts]. If one copy already exists, do not apply another copy. -The CMC :-)