Custom Map #2780: For D0m0nik. By: Sorrontis

Started by AutoPost, November 10, 2015, 01:12:02 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2780: For D0m0nik

Author: Sorrontis
Size: 180x180

#Sorrontis #Surprise


That's right, it's out. And I'm not sorry.

Now, you asked for the most evil map, I realize that this is not the most evil map I can make, it's just the most evil map I can make AND beat :P

For those needing tips:
Tip 1

The green "helping hand" spawns AC when nullified. The amount of AC is based on the time at which its destroyed (wait a long time, lots of AC)

Tip 2

At the bottom left corner, there is a hidden CRPL core. Destroy it to release the locking of AC. Combine this with Tip one to cover the entire map with AC if you wait long enough.

Tip 3

Build 10-20 guppies to hold a reserve of packets for when you destroy certain emitters. you'll be able to rebuild sufficient reactors.

Tip 4

Have enough beam towers. Certain emitters will spawn up to 60 spores when destroyed

Tip 5

Careful when nullifying the flashing emitter. When destroyed it will spawn a 1500 emitter. Best thing to do is to build two nullifiers, one of which is disarmed. turn it on as soon as the second emitter pops up.

Tip 6

There's a bunch of other nasty surprises for you. Don't forget to save .... often. VERY often

Tip 7
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


Hey Sorrontis

Just got in from work, been looking forward to playing this all day.

I am going to play it without reading the spoilers first and see how I get on, I am a sucker for punishment!


Quote from: D0m0nik on November 10, 2015, 01:44:28 PM
Hey Sorrontis

Just got in from work, been looking forward to playing this all day.

I am going to play it without reading the spoilers first and see how I get on, I am a sucker for punishment!

Hope you like it. :D (I forget that people might not live in North America... there's a whole bunch of time zones)
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


Haha, yeah there is about 7 hours between us!


"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


Wow, that was one hell of a battle! The ending had me stumped for a minute and some of the tricks were brutal. 

I am not going to add my own spoilers as I am a little dazed at the moment but there are a lot of tricks to make this map quicker. I spent a lot of time living in fear of pretty much everything and so ended up taking my time and massively over-planning, I had reactors, mortars and cannons distributed all over the map to allow for random eruptions.

I will replay when I have renewed energy! Once you know how to play it then it is not so bad but if you play without reading the spoilers it is very challenging! The actual difficulty level is not bad though, I was never close to being overrun and my base was never threatened.

Thanks for making this, was a load of fun to play!  :)


Glad you liked it! I'll make you a "For D0monik v.2" a little later when I have more time. :)
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


Having read your spoilers I have had another go and the first 'helping hand' is really spectacular if used properly, very impressive!

Look forward to more maps as always!


have to say nice trick i moved my orbital when a i killed the top left emitter when the one spawned and it killed my orbital so it couldnt come back smart trick and i only had the center emmitter XD hard map and great tricks