Custom Map #2726: The Floodgate. By: Louis Albrecht

Started by AutoPost, October 24, 2015, 09:30:35 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2726: The Floodgate

Author: Louis Albrecht
Size: 150x100

The Pressure is on. Defend Against the Oncoming Wave of my Most Agressive ma yet.

Loren Pechtel

Hard start.  How did someone get a 1 minute time?


Start not that hard, i never run for time, got 12 mins. Have no clue how to get <2 min. Would be interesting to know.


It's actually fairly easy to get a sub 2 min time.

The trick is to use the AoAs and remember that an orbital can sit in creeper for quite a while.
Omnipotence doesn't mean the ability to do what is logically impossible. It's possible, therefore, for God to create beings with the kind of free will that can choose between good and evil, but he can't also force those creatures to choose good. If he forced their choice, it wouldn't be free.


Hard start indeed - I've got the reverse question, how do people survive without the spoiler-approach, i.e. getting the >3 min scores? I've tried several variations around taking a couple of PZs but the combination of flood, 24-spore wave, and needing to fight on two sides keeps knocking me out (mortars on PZs lose to the flood before I can swap beams in their place for the spores)

Loren Pechtel

Quote from: ThomBat on October 25, 2015, 09:04:21 PM
Hard start indeed - I've got the reverse question, how do people survive without the spoiler-approach, i.e. getting the >3 min scores? I've tried several variations around taking a couple of PZs but the combination of flood, 24-spore wave, and needing to fight on two sides keeps knocking me out (mortars on PZs lose to the flood before I can swap beams in their place for the spores)

You start out on level 7 ground.  I terped stuff up to match.  That provided enough of a cliff that I was using only mortars for early defense, although you do need cannons to clear areas to be terped.

The first 12-spore wave did some damage but you're sitting in a pool of anti-creeper and they're light, it didn't do much.  I had enough beams up for the second one.  At that point it was simply a matter of pushing the creeper back.  Go for the stuff to the north and south, they're weak and will give you PZs for berthas to make the rest of it much easier.


Ah, I'd discounted terping on assumption that I lacked time & energy for it to pay off. I'll have to try it out - thanks!


that was pretty fun.  had to try two or three times but then ran for speed and found it relatively easy once you start using mega berthas.  if they weren't unlimited would have been harder.

i'm sure there's a fast way as everyone says, going to avoid reading the spoiler.


Thanks for the Feedback guys. I hoped you enjoyed playing ;) ;)