Custom Map #2732: The Voyage of Loneliness Pt. 2. By: Demo-Landmine Mann

Started by AutoPost, October 25, 2015, 05:57:58 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2732: The Voyage of Loneliness Pt. 2

Author: Demo-Landmine Mann
Size: 200x230

This map is a WIP. The reason why is that the base you discover is suppose to have defenses, but I am clueless as how to make custom units and such. If you know of a good tutorial, I would make use of it and complete this map. Until then I will be working on the third part. This is still playable however. It's just that the base will get washed in creeper with no consequence, so all you will need to do is grab the disk and enjoy the unused resorces. Minus that problem, enjoy the rest of the mission!


For a work in progress, you might consider reviewing the threads in this forum:

You can get a lot of help from the other map makers, plus you will probably find players to vet your maps for you.


Thank you for the help.  I will check out the subject and improve what I can.  Hopefully the rating becomes much better once the mission is actually done.


I really liked it. 

My first time through I really tried to build up inside the castle.  It's possible to get a foothold in there but the walls are too low and energy just a bit short when the spores start coming.  And then the digitalis...

Ok so I didn't come close.  Starting in the lower left is fine.


Quote from: Jerdog on October 26, 2015, 10:51:18 PM
Ok so I didn't come close.  Starting in the lower left is fine.

LOL! Same experience I had.
Sadly, I was insufficiently respectful of the Digitalis and it blew through my defense like a hot knife through butter (and me with no save).
Good battle with enough resources and time to get ready to counter-attack.
A little too large for me, but that did not detract from the fun.

Quote from: SssirCreepersss on October 26, 2015, 07:18:41 PM
Thank you for the help.  I will check out the subject and improve what I can.  Hopefully the rating becomes much better once the mission is actually done.

I know this is hard advice to take, but try to ignore the ratings. There is no explaining some ratings, so don't even try. Make maps that you like playing, and chances are a goodly number of other players will like them too.


It must be a style thing - I just can't get a foothold. I can build a base with reasonable energy, but I either get run over by the digitalils (and get too many units disabled by runners), or spores wipe out crucial parts of my infrastructure.

I might give it one or two more tries, but have to take a break to think how I plan to secure an area.


Karsten, you can take out two spore towers before they fire. Land a CN on the top-left to nullify that tower, and another one on the bottom-right. That takes 2 volleys (of 3 spores each) out of the equation.

Edited to add:
you can actually take out all 3 spore towers before they fire a single time, as well as one of the runner nests, all in the first 2:42 of gametime.


I can see taking out one, maybe 2. For the rest, they get under creeper way before the time you mention. and on a point of pedantry, the northwest tower is a 4-spore tower.

Edit: Yea, I can take out two towers. Don't see how to take out the 3rd.


Take out the top left with one CN and the top right using 2 CNs. Return CNs to orbit and wait.

Land again, and then kill the bottom right spore tower with two fresh CNs. Simultaneously start building out your base on the bottom left with the 3rd CN.


I created a discussion about my problem.  It explains what I want to do with the customization.  Please check it out"


I've notice people have found loopholes in the map to get it done a different way.  I see no harm in this, but I may "reinforce" some areas when the final map is being made.  Good work to those who took the risks and took the fight to the enemy!


Quote from: SssirCreepersss on October 29, 2015, 09:23:21 PM
I've notice people have found loopholes in the map to get it done a different way.  I see no harm in this, but I may "reinforce" some areas when the final map is being made.  Good work to those who took the risks and took the fight to the enemy!

Not sure if you want to make this any harder than it is.
You are pretty well at the limit of time and difficulty.
You've had over 80 downloads, but only 13 scores posted. A lot of people wanted to play this map, but gave up for some reason.
Most maps are much more appreciated if there are multiple ways to win, and 'locking it down' to force everyone to play your way is not often a winner.
Finally, you might consider taking the lessons learned from this map and creating something else. Remakes of the same movie are seldom as good as the original and the same goes for maps.
I found this game to be fun to play, but am not interested in playing another version.

EDIT: Forgot to post this.
I knocked about 10 minutes off my time by taking out the upper Spore Towers before starting to build my base at the bottom left. Hat tip to stdout for the suggestion.


Ok, Ill ignore those loopholes, but if I figure out custom units I will need to adjust the enemy so it isn't too hard/easy to reach the base in time. 
I also will make some kind of perk obtainable if the base is captured in time.  You won't actually lose when it gets destroyed, yet the destroyed thing(s) that would be in there would no longer be able to help you.
And about the current difficulty, I've never had problems getting a foothold and going offensive in this map.  I think it is time consuming, yet easy.  All I got to say is don't try this until you beaten campaign mode.