Custom Map #493: Pass The Map 3. By: Community

Started by AutoPost, April 25, 2014, 11:37:04 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #493: Pass The Map 3

Author: Community
Size: 150x150

A map made together by several KnuckleCracker forum members. Pawel345, MadMag,Lost in Nowhere,planetfall,Flabort,J,Asbestos,Warpsing,fortas16. Hope you enjoy. The pass the map game can be found on the forums in custom map discussion, if you want to make a part of the next map you are welcome. #PassTheMap #noDigitalis #Spores #CRPL #noRunners


It was an ok map.

I think a big problem with this map was the starting. You really had to get your starting, your sequence of building, what you made etc pretty darn perfect otherwise you were going to be screwed especially since there was barely any space to build anything and no terps (excluding the terp schematics at the bottom right which by then served no purpose whatsoever.)
And about the terp schematics, pretty silly how firstly it's right at the bottom right of the map and secondly it's obtained as a drop from the emitter once nullified with no way of actually knowing that beforehand and hence no way to plan to obtain and make use of it. Only way you could've made use is if for some reason you happened to go and attack that area before you attacked other areas. For me, that emitter was the last thing standing and very annoyingly, after having done everything else, I see there is a terp there but by then, map was completed. I ask this in the nicest possible way, not in an angry way, but was that solely for trolling purposes? Just wondering. I can see why having a terp could potentially break this map but if that was the case, then why have terp schematics anyway? (unless to troll)
Another thing which I really hated about this map is how the map really puts you in a position where you have to desperately and rather frustratingly find clear 3x3 spots for you to place units on. I find myself so often having to constantly swerve the mouse around an area to find a spot upon which a unit can finally fit on a spot. And then once you've placed a unit there, then you gotta search again for another spot to place either a collector or a relay on. It was really frustrating at times just looking for random spots where I could actually place a unit. When I come across such maps which make you, I always imagine (dont ask why), an old lady's voice, nagging at me in that annoying kinda high pitched voice saying, "No not there! No not there! Over There! Over There!"
Another thing which was very frustrating was the lack of PZs. Many of the nullified structures produced stuff like ore mines. Now whilst there were helpful, they were nowhere near as helpful as PZs. The one that left an Energy Packet behind was absolutely silly and pointless (it was towards the left of the map.) Dont know why that couldn't have been a PZ. Wouldn't have broken the map. The 2 structures at the top left of the map produced PZs. But who needed PZs at the very top left of the map. Only thing I could build on them were reactors. Otherwise there was no use for them whatsoever.
That big blue structure on the right? What was that supposed to be, I dont get it. Seemed just like an emitter to me. Did it have any other function? I would imagine that if a structure looked different, then it should do something different too. I dunno, maybe it did but I didn't see it.

The boats were a nice idea. Although I think some instructions or some clues could've been put in to hint at the fact that they needed to be sniped to be destroyed.
That blobby tentacle thing at the bottom left, was it an emitter too or just something that was drawing creeper close to it.

All in all, I think it was a nice map in terms of aesthetics. But I think the difficulty needed to be checked properly. That start as I mentioned was tough. Little space, difficult to produce energy, had to protect that PZ reactor to the left otherwise Game Over, not to mention having to build and prepare some beams as well to protect from the early oncoming spores.
But after that, it was doable. Annoying nuisances along the way by way of limited space and lack of terp but it was doable.
I like the use of CRPL. Always nice to see something new and innovative which is why I looked forward to this, as well as your previous ones and future coming ones too. Also not to mention how everyone chipping in to a map is such a cool thing to do.

Good luck with the next one guys.


Well you should have seen the initial versions of this map :P The boats were making like x10 creeper, and there were no PZ reactors :P Now while indeed the start is challenging, it actually forgives a lot as you get the PZ reactor, as well as a 300 energy deposit(initially 100 energy).

As for CRPL, true there was a bit too much, still less then in previous version. Next one will only have the script to change the reward for emitters.


I pretty well concur with what Jamz had to say. My intention is always to keep my comments at the cordial level, but that can be a bit difficult at times.
A couple of suggestions for these 'team' maps:
1 - Appoint someone to provide a healthy dose of reality to what you're doing. The difficulty/complexity seems to increase with number of mappers involved; and
2 - Play your own map! It's irritating to see a map this difficult accepted, when (apparently) not even all the mappers themselves can complete it.

I loved figuring out the start of this and getting a good foothold. Taking out the first few targets and the subsequent expansion was also fun. By the time I was at the 20:00 game time, all I wanted to do was finish the thing and move on.

Getting a good score will require most players to re-play several sections - some of the sections several times. I'm not sure if I'll take another run at it, but I am sure that it won't be today.


Johnny Haywire

I particularly enjoyed the "Bonus Quest" in this map. What bonus quest, you ask? Maybe it was just in my head, but I thought for sure the quest said, "Terraform the entire edge of the map to stop all creeper production." Once you take down the bottom right emitter you can terraform the area of the creeper that's almost impervious to all attacks. Anything 4 or higher will turn it into normal, friendly land.

I actually enjoyed the map, and many other maps have more difficult starting positions. Just keep in mind you won't be able to destroy the creeper on the edge, but it also won't go above 5, so target stuff coming from the middle and you'll be fine.

Fun map - good job y'all!
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?