Custom Map #2591: Illegitimate stacking. By: builder17

Started by AutoPost, September 27, 2015, 11:41:46 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2591: Illegitimate stacking

Author: builder17
Size: 219x195

#Stacking #Karma's coming's idea #Inhibitor #Expensiveunits


it doesn't seem possible to end it.  there's a bug emitter, it can't be blown up.


What of these was bugged? Screenshot or something can help.


Quote from: lividbishop on September 27, 2015, 02:56:02 PM
it doesn't seem possible to end it.  there's a bug emitter, it can't be blown up.

Do you mean this CRPL emitter?
Try beam it. :)


... YAY someone actually used my idea! (hint: go to map 2609 to figure out what i mean, there is a message artifact!)
To use [OUR] Custom Modules, go to Forums/Knuckle Cracker/PFE/Map Makers, Ship Builders, and Coders, Go to the pinned posts, find the one named "Custom Modules Thread", Open it, Scroll down until you find ShipModule, Apply that into your map, do not apply it into map if one copy already exists, Apply the Adder script (Sometimes named "Master.prpl, sometimes [shipname]Adder, etc.) and the actual used scripts [which i will state in my posts]. If one copy already exists, do not apply another copy. -The CMC :-)