New Ideas for Particle Fleet: Emergence

Started by Shockblast DX, May 01, 2016, 09:31:25 AM

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Shockblast DX

This section I'm starting is for ideas that we think should be implemented into Particle Fleet. Anyone can use this, and any appropriate ideas are welcome. The format is:

Idea Name
Main Function
Extra Details/Differences

I'll start by giving an example:

A section that acts like Projects in CW3.
Gives the player more control with the creation of maps.
Has special effects you can select in the map.

This was only an example. If you feel that this actually should be in the game, and you don't think it will be automatically implemented, then you can repeat the given example, and add your own flare to it (if you want to).

This topic is only for the people to get their ideas out, but if you really want it to be in Particle Fleet: Emergence, then try to get virgilw to see this.


Phalanx Drone Bay
Houses 2 powerful drones with cannons
The weapon would probably be 7x7 like the MK7 and would take a lot of energy to build. Each drone would cost energy to run passively, and could be deactivated/activated at will.
(09:06:07) Zoura3025: But for us diehard fans: "Time is Sanity"


Ballista ( Kinetic Mass Accelerator )
Weapon System
Deep Penetration of Particle Lines

A bit like the MK7, but instead of three particles it launches one massive one. The Projectile travels for a lifetime of 10 seconds and has an initial inertia of X. Every collision deducts from this intertia. When Inertia is below a certain value, remove projectile. Every colision not happening at a frontal angle also conveys a change of trajectory to the projectile ( Impacting the coliding object´s inertia on the projectile, causing the projectile to "tumble" in a zigzag pattern ).

Weapon System
Conversion of Enemy matter to energy

The Harvester slows down enemy particles ( like the blue beam weapon on ships / lasers ). Once fully stopped a particle will be absorbed into the harvester and become deconstructed. Once X particles have been absorbed / deconstructed, the Harvester launches a probe back to the HQ ship, creating a energy crystal close to the HQ.

Deis Irae
Weapon System
Cluster Warhead missile launcher

A high-maintenace cruise missile launcher, that takes a long time to construct and store up to three Cluster missiles. The launcher can be toggled on and off. When active and with ammunition in store, it launches a larger warhead in the direction of the most massive concentration of enemy particles.

During the first half of flight, it will spawn 48 mini-missiles in waves of 4 ( 12 intervals ), who will lock on to the closest particles ( arcing 22,5°  and 45° to the left and to the right of the missile ) and behave like regular missiles. During the second stage of flight ( after 50% travel distance ) the remaining missile body will explode on contact with the first particle/ship/enemy mine it encounters, causing a moderately strong impact on the target ( think Mk7 ).

Ebon Heart

So, there was just talk on the blog about custom ships that mapmakers can make. This guy me thinking, what if you could build a ship base in game and then build various systems on that ship base to get it working? So you can make more expensive(much more expensive) ships that might be more customized to one particular scenario. Just place down a hull and fill it with the systems you need.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The smart left a long time ago.
Check out the amazing A Tragedy Forgotten CW2 map series!


Judgement Ray Gauss Cannon
Fires a laser that can pierce straight through infinite particles, has a slow rate of fire (think CW3 Bertha but slower) and the beam carries on until the edge of the map, where it fades. The beam lasts 2 seconds and any particle that crosses the beam's path is vaporized.

Graviton Launcher
Fires a small singularity, removing 1 particle HP per shot. The singularity pulls particles in and pulls them with it away from the ship the Graviton Launcher is mounted.

Emergent Deconstructor
Laser that deals incredible damage to Emergent, but can't target Particles.

Fleet Carrier (Ship)
Ship that has several Proximity Beams on the exterior, 1 Missile Launcher, and 4 Drone Bays. The drones launched can be Missile Drones, Phalanx drones, Grabber drones, or even Judgement Drones. Drones are customizable but have severe limits compared to ships. Drones can be in three modes: Defensive, Offensive, and Manual Control.

Kamikaze (Ship)
Has energy tanks to store a lot more energy than normal, armed to the teeth with Proximity Beams and has 2 Emergent Deconstructors. The hull is extremely weak.
When life gives you lemons, squeeze them in your enemies' eyes!


-super weapon- unlimited build
1st ability - Creates a black hole consume particle, dissappear after certain period

Limited ability,  limited range casting,

Cons : if the rift sucked too much particle or near particle spawn....the sucked particle will came back and the rift disappear

2nd ability - Creates a warp portal from 2 position, allowing to travel unreachable area (maybe it will be implemented within game)

Single rift generator will produce 1 warp portal

Cons: need a lot of supply to continues open warp portal to stabilize the core
If the rift generator does have enough supply while portal still open...the rift generator will go critical and creates black hole, which suck nearby unit and particle.....

This just may changes some parts