Custom Map #2421: creper 1. By: Cary jr

Started by AutoPost, August 22, 2015, 01:06:33 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2421: creper 1

Author: Cary jr
Size: 128x128



Needs tech, just a few totems here and there would have drastically improved this map.  Gets to a stage where it unplayable as the packet speed isn't sufficient to keep the beams resupplied quick enough to destroy the swarms of spores.

Would love to play it with techs, started quite fun.


Concur on the Totem/Forge request.
The only way I could figure to play this was charging the Spore Towers, and that was quite a slog.
Games tend to be more fun when there are a variety of paths to choose, and I just didn't see any options here.
Thanks for submitting it and looking forward to the next one.