Custom Map #2374: Standard Subvertion. By: stdout

Started by AutoPost, August 05, 2015, 05:29:44 PM

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Quote from: EEderle on August 10, 2015, 06:55:09 AM
How do you survive the first 2 Minutes? Any help appreciated

You can control the terps and use them to block the cannons' and sprayers' line-of-sight.
Click "terraform".
Find an area with higher level than where the cannons are. Press shift-T (sets the terraforming level to where the mouse is). Then terraform around the cannons to block their line-of-sight. After that the creeper will flow and destroy the nullifier and connect to the totem. From there on it is an easy ride.
Your puny map is no match for my Turtle Power!


Quote from: EEderle on August 10, 2015, 06:55:09 AM
How do you survive the first 2 Minutes? Any help appreciated

In a PAC map that has terps, first thing you'd notice is that the Terraform button is available. You can "corrupt" the terps by issuing terraforming commands. To set the target terraforming level, hover the mouse cursor over a spot of desired terrain level, then press shift+T. Then you can press the Terraform button to build walls to block the enemy's vision. eg., If you put a thin sliver of a level 10 wall in front of a pulse cannon that's sitting on level 5 terrain, it cannot see your creeper approach and can only fire when the creeper is literally right on top of it. That makes a super fast clean-up of cannons and sprayers situated in the "right" locations. This trick doesn't work on mortars and beams, and obviously, flying weapons.

If you enjoy it, I have a PAC map that uses a similar trick to get started. Search for "Zesi".
Twas a sad day when we mothballed Creeper World for Particle Fleet.


Edit: Woops - an influx of help, which is great to see. You should manage fine now. :)

Quote from: EEderle on August 10, 2015, 06:55:09 AM
How do you survive the first 2 Minutes? Any help appreciated


Try this:

The key to starting this one is to stop the PZ cannon from shooting, so you block it off. Select Terraform, then hover your cursor over some terrain that's higher than the PZ cannon, and hit Shift-T (press and hold Shift, press T). That'll give you a terraforming height that you brush around the PZ cannon, and the Terp you've just corrupted will work for you and you can then spread creeper/digitalis without worrying about the Nullifier.

Another tip, if you want it - stop reading now if you don't. :D

I put a spore tower in the now-reclaimed PZ and dropped spores onto gaps up at the top, thus spreading faster than if I'd wended my way around the letters.



Quote from: isj4 on August 10, 2015, 05:31:20 AM
I like that it is another map with corrupted terps.
I don't like the size of the map. There is not enough variation in it. Half the size would have been enough, meaning the first 3 letters would have been OK.
The first three letters? Like in "STD"?  ::) ;D

Sorry, I swear I couldnĀ“t resist.


I have to say, this one was a fun one.  :D

Just when I forgot about terraforming in PAC maps, you go ahead and deliver this one.