Base unit statistics

Started by thegamemaster1234, March 31, 2015, 02:15:34 AM

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Since I couldn't find a list like this elsewhere, and since the data on the wiki isn't exactly the most usable for creating CRPL equivalents, I've put together this list of stuff from testing that can be used to mimic base units, or to use them as a reference. Damage is amount of creeper units for DamageCreeper (or AddCreeper if AC payload), range is AoE of creeper damage, and fire delay is how many frames until the unit can fire again.

Digitalis damage can be found at the SetDigitalis CRPL doc thanks to warren, and other information is at the unit data overview wiki page.

Effects of tech upgrades and PZ bonuses are not a part of this list.

Unit           Damage        Range        Fire delay
Mortar        3.5                4               90
Blaster        1                  3               8            (Will only affect a maximum of 12 tiles)
Sprayer       5            AC payload       10         (Always On mode stats are the same, just always centered on the Sprayer)
Strafer        1                  2               8            (Will only affect a maximum of 8 tiles)
Bomber      15           AC payload       50
Bertha        100               10             320 to get into "ready" state
Thor           10x2             6x2            20x2          (main cannons: 20x2 damage, 12x2 range, unlimited fire rate (button activation))

If any of this information happens to be wrong, please let me know!


CW3 Unit Data Overview - not sure if it's all there, not been updated for a while. :)

There's nothing stopping you from adding your data to the wiki or making the wiki more usable.


Yeah, I guess you're right about that, but I guess I felt that part of the wiki was more geared towards players, not CRPL coders? I dunno. I got some info on the Thor that I'm putting up there, though.

Also, if it were possible to get info on the speed of projectiles, that would be pretty cool.


Are you sure blaster range is 2 and not 1? Are you sure mortar range is 4 and not 3? Are you sure thor range is 11 and not 10? Also, fire rate is the reciprocal of fire delay. The fire delay can be computed exactly for berthas by giving them infinite ammo.

Because projectiles are not units (That I know of), the only way to calculate speed is by counting frames manually. A simple script can help with that.

TRUE RunWhilePaused


For the ranges, I counted the center square and counted every terrain tile outwards that had a lowered creeper value. I can check again, but I'm pretty sure that the DamageCreeper function counts the center square as being radius (range) 1, not 0. The testing that I've done at least appears to confirm this (having a CRPL bullet with the same stats as a mortar bullet listed here results in exactly the same creeper damage).

Yeah, I suppose a script to show the pixel coords at the cursor and manually checking them each frame is pretty much all that can be done in the way of getting the bullet speeds.

I'll rename "fire rate" to "fire delay" on the table to make more sense.


If you are counting the centre square as radius 1, then are you sure that strafers are radius 2?


Remember that ranges with decimals are also common in this game (9.99 for a collector for example, and 18.99 for relays). You can easily check the range by changing the creeperflowrate to 0 (freeze all creeper), make a big square of 100.0 creeper and allow a weapon to fire a single shot at it (for a cannon, land it in the middle). Then check the creeper values and make a screenshot.


Ok, I had forgotten about setting the flowrate to 0, that helps a lot. Why didn't I think of that? I already have a script making an infinitely refilling square of creeper to fire at, so this should've already been there (the script also tells me the total damage caused in that square, hehe). Turns out that due to creeper flow I was making the ranges 1 more than they should've. Derp.

EDIT: Only some of the ranges were actually wrong, namely the Thor and Bertha. Testing with blasters, mortars, and strafers show that their ranges are the same as before. However, blasters and strafers have odd patterns: a Strafer will damage creeper in an I formation, and a Blaster will damage it like normal but with extra tiles, sometimes making it act like it has a range of 3.

Basically, blasters are weird. Here's a screenshot of them hitting creeper from the side and in the middle.
Whatever they're doing isn't random, because the affected area is exactly the same every single shot.

EDIT2: It appears that no matter what, a shot from a blaster will always affect a maximum of 12 tiles (center counts twice), provided that that there is creeper within a range of 3. I'll do a little testing with the tile limiter in DamageCreeper to see if changing that to 12 will cause a similar phenomenon.

EDIT3: This is indeed what's happening. Under similar logic, the Strafer is undoubtedly similar, though with a range of 2 and a maximum tiles of 8 (center counts twice).


That is indeed odd. strafers have a larger digitalis damage range and smaller creeper damage range than blasters. Have your tests confirmed that exactly twice as much damage is done to the centre of the attack as every other tile consistent with DamageCreeper? Is the damage listed the total damage or the damage per tile?


The damage listed is indeed damage per tile, and the damage is dealt to the center tile twice, as is consistent with the DamageCreeper function. Since DamageCreeper is a part of the CRPL API, I don't see why the game's normal units wouldn't use the same function.

And yeah, I have to admit that it is rather odd to see that strafers actually do less total damage than Blasters do, which they make up for their ability to remotely shut down digitalis at the source.


I think you should add your chart to the DamageCreeper command under the header Emulating the standard weapons. (with extra info added for the blaster: 8 tiles max, never hits higher terrain etc.)
