Collectors stop at 90% finished

Started by Jarl, August 15, 2009, 06:24:53 AM

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I've seen a few times collectors that stop building at 90%; seems the final bit of energy is never transmitted. The first two times it appeared in levels with build bonuses, but now it also happened with the two first collectors on Corvus, simultaneously. I have tried to reproduce it, but no luck.

Not really a showstopper, happens only once in 20 games or so, but still the only minor bug I've seen in this otherwise remarkably flawless game.


Interesting.... I've never seen this.  I guess in this case, you just blow away the collector and build it again (and that works alright)? 


That is true, it is rarely a big issue. Though I've been playing for score for some hours now, and I get this at the very beginning at least a third of the time. I pause the game immediately (while the dialog shows); build two paths of collectors; and on game resume both of the nearest collectors fail to complete.


If you are willing, a screenshot might help. As in take a screenshot while you have it paused, but after you have scheduled everything to build.  Your build pattern might shed some light.  I just tried it like 10 times in a row on two machines but can't get it to reproduce.  There might be something special about your build pattern, though.  On Corvus I typically do the same thing (pause and build a couple of collectors to go around both sides of the island.)


Ok, I think I might see what is going on and have a resolution for you.  You are probably pausing the game as fast as possible when the missions starts (you might even be using the "P" key to do so... but this doesn't really matter).

If you pause the game really fast at the very start of a story mission, you can get this problem with the first things that you build.  It basically depends on if you get it paused before the energy system initializes.  If you wait about half a second before you pause, you shouldn't get the problem (wait for the little energy graphs to initialize at the bottom of the screen, then pause the game).  Waiting this half second or so won't hurt your score since the time and score don't start counting until you click the button to dismiss the story dialog.

Good catch btw...
Also, you are rocking on the high score tables :)