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The Wiki comments

Started by pawel345, October 12, 2014, 04:29:36 PM

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I have just went to the wiki recently and there is a lot of spam in the comments on some pages: For example.

V or G or whoever got Admin or Mod rights to it might want to clear that up.


The wiki is definitely much more neglected than the forums, which is why the spam has piled up.


After the upgrade of the wiki a week ago it looks like the discussion plugin on the wiki defaulted to "open" comments... meaning you didn't need an account on the forums/wiki to post.  So the spam engines of the world found the wiki and started filling up the discussion comments with garbage.  I've now closed all of the discussion widgets on the wiki as they weren't useful (currently) and were just a place for the random new person to post a question that would have been better on the forums.