Custom Map #1621: Disarmed. By: Levi Kornelsen

Started by AutoPost, January 17, 2015, 08:37:28 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1621: Disarmed

Author: Levi Kornelsen
Size: 128x84

With supremely cheap structures, but no weapons beyond nullifiers and the singularity cannon of your forge, how quickly can you take this map? Can you do it at all?


At first I imagined a line of shields with a nullifier at the end, but this is actually a fairly intriguing puzzle map. But why give us ore deposits without any mines for them?


The ore deposits are just leftovers - I was tinkering with something else when I realized "Oh, wait, I can cut those too."

And, yeah, it's a strange one, it is.