Custom Map #1622: Boxed In. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, January 17, 2015, 11:07:11 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1622: Boxed In

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 191x97

You have been warned... They are ticked...

Still trying, but getting spanked pretty good.


I don't usually comment before I play a map, but...

This one says "Pastor.Healer", AND I see lots of 2000 point emitters...

Hooboy! =D

Edit: Ow ow ow ow

Edit edit: I cleared the middle island using Standard Pastor Protocol, but I am having to try some new things to get off the island. So far, several bad ideas tried; several more to come. :)

Edit edit edit: OOOOH!


@speef - love your comments. Just about Eggs-Zackery how I felt.

I finally moved from the center to 3 o'clock on the box and hammered my way around clockwise. If I could handle two fights at once, I would have opened a second front (from the 3 o'clock position) and also gone counter-clockwise (anti-clockwise for those who speak real English).

Real subtle approach, right?
I had some fun with this one.


Quote from: Helper on January 18, 2015, 07:39:40 PM
@speef - love your comments. Just about Eggs-Zackery how I felt.

I finally moved from the center to 3 o'clock on the box and hammered my way around clockwise. If I could handle two fights at once, I would have opened a second front (from the 3 o'clock position) and also gone counter-clockwise (anti-clockwise for those who speak real English).

The 3:00 AC emitter is half the size of the creeper emitter next to it, so it's the obvious starting point. The other obvious starting point is about 7:00, as that lip of land is close enough to hit with mortars (which I normally don't even build on a Pastor map, since they can strand or kill runners).

My first theory was that the -2000 AC emitter would overwhelm the +1000 emitter if I suppressed all the runners, so I figured out how to do that (not trivial), but it didn't work out, even with maximizing mortar support. Creeper levels stay around 120 on the 3:00 beachhead even with suicide waves of sprayers and guns landing.

After that, I figured that maybe I could go to the 7:00 beachhead, since you can get enough mortars in range to get the creeper there down to about 0 full time. Negative on that one too- a relay won't reach. (To rub salt in the wound, it looks like it is pretty close to one block away from reaching...)

I think my next attempt will be to blow up every mortar that is disrupting digitalis on the beachheads, replace them all with snipers, and see if a mortar on the PZ is at all helpful in reducing creeper levels.

After that fails, I will ban all snipers (those bugs pump out a LOT of creeper when they die), and see how that goes.

Will figure it out, though my chances of beating pastor's time are rather low (5:10:00 and counting right now, :)  ).



The sniper-maximizing try was interesting; I removed the 'duck blind' that was restricting my PZ sniper to shooting the right side of the map and raised the PZ's height from 9 to 10. It doesn't keep up with the runners, so 'suppress all runners on map' is not a viable option. You can duck-blind it and suppress all the ones on the right side (with support from some left-size snipers), though I can't figure out how to get creeper levels over there low enough to build a relay. With 3 rotating waves of kamikaze sprayers landing, it stays above 80 creeper. :\

I also tried clearing all the runners from the right side, then building walls of shields to push AC off the center island (where AC levels are around -550). That worked about as well as you might imagine. :)

I may also try that singularity thingy that the forge has- not sure how it works, but I guess now's the time to play with it. :p


This is a fun puzzle; I will pick it back up tomorrow after work!  I may let it run overnight to see how the balance of power shifts, and to improve my already impressive time. :p


Nice map once again, love it

The key for me was to take out the spore tower on the island almost straight away, put a relay on the PZ and then relay across to 3 o' clock and then use a combination of blasters and mortats (about 4 of each) to work out both clockwise and anti-clockwise

Was nice to play a PH map where it was not an issue to pop the runners and without needing beerthas, really nice balance to the map. I guess the AC emitters were essential to this


Same strategy
supported by several terps to smooth the way


runners dying in AC on the digi threads in void in the first 30/45 secs for me.
totally unplayable.  :o
i hadn't built any weapons and i saw 5 runners pop in the void all around the central Island.
i was rapidly awash with C.  :(
this map seems to have too much luck factor for me to want to retry.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


@tek - I was making up new swear words for my first several re-starts.
This one worked:

Cheers Bro,


  The start is very tricky and you have to move very fast

I started by covering the island with collectors with my command nodes spread out

Next build 3 beams at one end and a nulifier at the other whilst building 3 blasters for the 3 faster moving arms of digitalis (1 at each end and one top middle)

Once this is all built I made sure I had 2 blasters on every single strand of digitalis, one set to shoot creeper one set to focus on digitalis

Finally mine al the ore and have 3 sprayers set to permanently on to keep the central island flooded in AC

Power control is vital, keep in the green as mich as possible!
