Custom Map #1033: Saving Humanity Pt 3 final. By: HiggsBoson12

Started by AutoPost, August 12, 2014, 04:08:55 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1033: Saving Humanity Pt 3 final

Author: HiggsBoson12
Size: 256x256

Finally! The completed version of part 3. This manifests all of my scripting work up until the present, and I hope everyone enjoys it. I hope to make this my highest rated map ever! Stay tuned for part 4, and play parts 1 and 2 if you haven't already.


how do you deal with those places where the creeper seems to come out of the ground like it does emitters? i see i cant nulify the spots. thanks
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Quote from: PMouser on August 13, 2014, 01:04:08 AM
how do you deal with those places where the creeper seems to come out of the ground like it does emitters? i see i cant nulify the spots. thanks

Get rid of the thing in the lower right and the ground emitters will stop.

This would be a LOT harder if the runner nest was a but closer to the emitter at the lower right. As it is it can be eliminated before any runners come out.

Because of the lack of runners, the island with the spore towers was easy to eliminate. After that it's basically clean up.