Custom Map #506: Fire From The Mountian. By: TruAtrex

Started by AutoPost, April 27, 2014, 02:33:18 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #506: Fire From The Mountian

Author: TruAtrex
Size: 143x136



 :) how do you guys like it?

MakeRain (10 20)
Delay (1000)


I wanted to like it, but random destruction of your stuff is just annoying, to me at least. But in no way take that as discouragement.
Just a personal thing.


Spoiler on my strat
After flooding my base with AC ( 2 sprayers near energy reactors in a corner produced a thick layer of ac, preventing the rain to do any damage. You could also use shields to contain your AC, but I felt it wasn´t necessary ) I had no big problem to rush forward and neutralize the CRPLcore. For the beginning, putting Blasters everywhere, kept the Rain in check. Spreading out your energy production quickly is important in case of a bad hit on your reactors.

Currently I have the fastest time with 14 minutes, but I know this is because I´ve been very lucky with the Rain. This is probably the "biggest" thing impacting on the comparability of the scores. Here are some few things I noticed:

The ore was placed perfectly, however, the energy and Aether resources could, for all purposes of the map, just be omitted. Putting resources near the 80% mark of the map is never a good idea in my oppinion. Especially energy is just ... suboptimal at that point.

The first five minutes are the most annoying ones. After that, you should have established a strategy to keep you having defenses near the trench. I feel the map could become a bit harder by increasing the flowrate of the creeper a bit.

I forgot to make use of the orbital weapons I collected alongside the way. I feel neither them nor the BErtha have any place in there. In order for them to be necessary, there would have to be a real incentive to use them. As far as I can see, using them would only help to improve time.

Overall an okish map, at times annoying. It´s difficult to create a challenge and randomness, I usually feel, is not challenge but rather unfair. Overall it wasn´t too bad and I enjoyed it. For the next map, following this strategy, maybe you could try to omit certain parts of the map from the creeper rain or use spores to deliver. Then forbidding beams you could use shields to defend. Dunno, just ideas. Keep it up. :)