Custom Map #370: Superemitter. By: Zack

Started by AutoPost, April 05, 2014, 11:27:36 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #370: Superemitter

Author: Zack
Size: 128x84

Beat the superemitter! #NoCRPL #NoSporeTower #NoRunnerNest #NoResourcePack #NoThor #Totems #AC #NoDigitalis #Aether #Forge #Superemitter #Wall #AntiEmitters #Emitters


Surprisingly easy if you terp walls all around the emitter and smother it in AC. Great game, though could have used a resource pack or two to speed the early game up.


The terp isn't needed; just knock the creeper flat with plenty of berthas and lay on AC with a squadron of bombers. (I did build a platform with terps, but it was finished just as my  nullifier was charging.)
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!


Just surround it with mortars, then turn them off, while collecting aether and upgrading range and fire rate. Once enough shield is gone, just go berzerk with build speed. Rearm the mortars. Then, after clearing out all of the creeper, wait for the next wave. As soon as it is clear, build a nullifier. If you time it correctly and have enough build speed, you will have the nullifier up with no worries. Just let it charge, and boom! Dead emitter.
I tried making CW3 custom maps once upon a time. I kinda failed. My maps were too large/stupidly long/stupidly easy. I think I only ever made one really good map, and its not for people who hate spores. I mean it'd be good shock therapy xD