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My scripts

Started by ZackNAttack, February 16, 2014, 09:05:15 PM

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Here are all of my scripts.
CBlaster: If type is >= 0 it will fire creeper. If type <= 0 it will fire AC. Use with CBullet.
CBullet: It will fly to the X and Y you set at Speed spaces/second. Once it reaches there, it will dump its payload.
Flip: It's a flip emitter. State is its starting state. 1 for creeper, 0 for none, and -1 for AC. CMul is the multiplier for creeper.
Fly: Dir is the starting direction. Delay is the delay between movements. Height is the height it walks on.
Slip: It's a slip emitter. Only works on flip emitters. UID is the flip emitter's UID. SlipMul is multiplied to what it emits.
Slope: SlopeAmount is how much it increases every Interval. Min and Max should be obvious.
Zack on cw3