CRPL Editting Problem

Started by Generalafire, December 25, 2013, 10:56:56 PM

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My computer is irreversibly set to open all programs that have no set opener to Adobe.  CRPL isn't supported by Adobe.  I need to change this somehow, could someone help? 

Details:  If you need the reason as to why it does this is I have created a custom virus protection program.  It is not a firewall, that is different, however it is a firewall like program.  It opens all popups are handled by it, it opens them using Adobe Air, however I did not forsee that crpl would be considered a popup and opened in Adobe Air.  No, I can't change this.  Yes, this type of virus protection works excellently and reduces popups by all of them, the only downside is keeping Adobe Air up all the time so I don't get Adobe popping up to let me know something isn't compatible. 


There are no Adobe AIR components in Creeper World 3. CW3 is written in C# under Unity3D framework. CRPL can be edited with any editor such as Notepad, Notepad++, Textpad, etc.

I suggest you investigate how to create an association between CRPL filetype ( .crpl ) and the editor of your choice. There are plenty Google references.

You can find a little more information in the wiki, here:
A goodnight to all and to all a good night - Goodnight Moon