Custom Map #2259: teks46 drones defeat phantoms 1

Started by AutoPost, May 19, 2013, 02:01:05 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2259: teks46 drones defeat phantoms 1

Author: teknotiss

those phantoms are going to be a bit tricky to beat without phantom coils or makers.... so it's more drone farming to protect your base, get it done.


I cant seem to keep my reactors even with drone farming, so what to do? thanks
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You have 5 minutes at the beginning. Build some reactors and research, upgrade weapons speed at least once. Then open the white drones and kill them for initial cover. Then open the drones bottom left and kill enough so they create super dense AC. rush to the top, destroy the AC drone gateways and max out a bunch of blasters near the top.

As son as the continued waves of phantoms start, open the top, wait for the rush to move away from the upper gateways and blow them up.

A goodnight to all and to all a good night - Goodnight Moon