Custom Map #2436: Anti-Creeper Generator-2

Started by AutoPost, August 20, 2013, 05:01:06 PM

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this map would have been funnier without the conversion bomb   :D cool map tho, fist time to comment but i so love ur map(S)


All hail Yum: The Great Map Maker!
You have once again succeeded at finding a unique approach to this game. This is the first time that I had to rely on an anti-creeper generator without just pushing past it with brute force.
Well done sir.
Although, I never did bother waiting for the Portals to break the rocks.

Have you thought about preparing more of your maps with crystals or pre-built reactors?
On so many maps, it's just boring to spend most of the time building a multi-directional reactor grid.
I'm working on my first map, and I'm starting with a template with 2 rows of rock at the top of the screen for the info-bar and enough room to use Up/Down reactors without having to carefully build a complex 4-way grid.