Custom Map #351: the anti enmiter

Started by AutoPost, October 21, 2011, 01:01:02 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #351: the anti enmiter

Author: s



The only reason I approved this map (and asked fellow map moderators to do it as well) is that it is one of the few times that you can go totally overboard with Dark Beams. That and a few other "tricks of the trade" and this map is a pushover. Note you spend about 15 minutes in prep and then maybe 1 minutes in playing time.

Initially none of us were going to approve this map. Consider yourself lucky. We might not be so lenient a second time round. :)

Edit: My hat is off to Kithros.


Infinite energy, arbitrary entombed creeper that serves no purpose, more than one nexus, completely oversized map - it truly amazes me this map doesn't have stupid fields teleporting creeper in completely nonsensical ways. (I am never going to play this map again ever)


I had much fun with this map and played it several times.
Very refreshing to go wild on unlimited energy and dark beams.

Wish there were more of these between the (very) hard to play maps.
Or those with a hidden goal you can't find out if you're not an expert or don't peek at this forum.
Now *THAT* is annoying and disturbing! :(


Although the unlimited energy and dark beams was a little fun to play with. This map was WAY bigger then it needed to be...

Try to not make a map bigger than you need to...

Vote Tony!


I've edited and removed posts to keep things more on topic... which would be feedback for the map author or advice for other players. 


Most of the older maps are nothing special, but this one was really intense. You'll get more action in 45 seconds of this map than in 45 minutes of most others.

Also, about the height of the map. It does serve a strategic purpose. Do you stay put and wait for the VERY FAR Microrifts to EVENTUALLY build, or do you move your ship down to shorten the packet distance, but away from the one already built Microrift?

It's funny to see how uptight the map approvers USED to be. ;) "I almost didn't approve this map because it was too hard, long and boring, and NOT because I was too much of a nub to figure it out. " (paraphrasing).

I guess everyone was a nub 2 years ago. ;)