Custom Map #1649: Defend the earth-2

Started by AutoPost, November 10, 2012, 02:01:06 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1649: Defend the earth-2

Author: yum234

The solar wind bombards the earth's atmosphere. Protect the inhabitants of the earth from evil wind!


Yum, the creeper-intended fields should not affect the AC, and vice versa. The droplets that ran through pushed the AC to the bottom, and the atmosphere-fields trapped the creeper...

having all fields affect both types of creeper made it quite a mess. I think the playability would improve if there were separate fields.

Also, for anyone stuck, think of the map title but
switch the "defend" for "avenge". That will suggest the fastest strategy.
Don't make a slog just because. Be like Master Mapmaker SPIFFEN:
Quote from: themaskedcrusader on October 05, 2010, 05:09:33 PM
(...)Difficulty is subjective. (...)
SPIFFEN chooses to rate each map as trivial because they believe that the difficulty of the map depends on the capability of the player.
Quote from: DumbCreeperGamer"Ugh, me no finish map, map too hard, ME RATE ONE.
oOga OoGa to you too.


Quote from: burguertime on November 10, 2012, 08:26:29 PM
Yum, the creeper-intended fields should not affect the AC, and vice versa. The droplets that ran through pushed the AC to the bottom, and the atmosphere-fields trapped the creeper...

having all fields affect both types of creeper made it quite a mess. I think the playability would improve if there were separate fields.

Thank You for good comments. Next version of game will take into account Your advise.
1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now