Custom Map #1029: Team Espeon's Patr. Prog. v2 - Timeout

Started by AutoPost, April 14, 2012, 05:58:29 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1029: Team Espeon's Patr. Prog. v2 - Timeout

Author: NRS [Team Espeon]

can you destroy the Nexus before time runs out ? make careful moves even if it's seems you won without problem.


This may be a spoiler but if you don't rescue the capsule before you destroy the nexus you lose. I really felt like there should have been some warning about this.


He does drop a hint in the map description. Which doesn't help unless you play right after downloading.
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!


Once again proof positive that you need to read these comments before starting!
I managed to muddle my way through it, but went about it way wrong.

This was a very fun game to play - and it'll be a lot more fun if I go back and play it right!  :-[