Custom Map #1239: Toe to Toe

Started by AutoPost, June 28, 2012, 11:01:05 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1239: Toe to Toe

Author: JmfR

One ship 21 emitters can You survive?


VERY very good map. I really enjoyed it. I didn't mouse over the holocube so I didn't realize it was chock full of win-the-map goodies until things were already looking hairy... Everything just about went pear-shaped before I got it and then I fought my way back. I suppose I could do it again faster with less edge-of-seat Am I Gonna Make It? going on, and I probably will, but I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed it. There's been a lack of good maps lately, and I particularly like maps where repulsors change the dynamic or are needed, etc.


you said can you beat this
i said no
Now CEO of Particular Endeavors.
We apologize for all inconveniences that we caused.
Quotefirst, you have to imagine a very big box, fitting inside a very samll box.
then, you have to build one


Quote from: tornado on July 01, 2012, 01:34:02 AM
you said can you beat this
i said no

81 people, including me says it can be beat. :)


and 14 couldnt get the timing ;D