Custom Maps Folder on Macs

Started by jlog, February 16, 2011, 11:11:33 AM

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I'd like to clear out most of the custom maps I've downloaded since it's super slow at this point, I've seen on a lot of other posts say to go here:
%appdata%/CreeperWorld/customgames or c:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_USER\Application Data\CreeperWorld\customgames

I'm on a Mac though and can't seem to find a similar location.  I was wondering if anyone could help.  Thanks a lot.

- Jlog


Try: <username>/Library/Preferences/CreeperWorld

Please let us know if that is where they are.


Bingo!  I had checked in the Library folder but didn't know about the preferences folder. 

Thanks a lot for your quick response, now I can go back to wasting time :-)
- Jlog


Enjoy! Glad we could help.

Credit should go to the other Mac users here that posted that, though, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool PC guy. :)