Knuckle Cracker

Creeper World 2 => Suggestions => Topic started by: Seonaidh on November 20, 2011, 02:27:09 PM

Title: CW2 Editor Suggestions.
Post by: Seonaidh on November 20, 2011, 02:27:09 PM
Hello there, I would like to express some suggestions for the map editor here. Not sure if they are posted again, I tried to find something similar but without result. So here it goes:

1) Fields are important but creating & editing them is pain in the butt. Is there any possibility to make the field containers list expandable? It's really frustrating scrolling around between 4 lines, especially when you have to deal with 50+ fields. I mean, there's a HUGE empty space below the other field functions, why not take advantage of it?

2) Fields again. It's also very frustrating & counterproductive the way you create, move & resize fields. Why not implementing a simple click & drag method? Not sure if possible, just asking. Also, any chance to merge/combine fields of different shapes and control a complex shape as one field? Could be very helpful.

3) I'm trying to make a scenario-like map here, but it seems that there is no possible way to make a triggered action, ie when the player acquires a holocube, an emitter could start. That also could give many interesting options.

4) In combination with 3), you could add more conversations except the opening & closing ones, ie start a conversation when the player acquires a holocube in position xy AND the possibility to use that conversation as an trigger action for something else, which is completely different from the already existing possibility to add a simple conversation when the player acquires an item.

5) Finally, a 'Save' function would be very helpful (so you don't have to always have to click 'Save map', overwrite etc) and any possibility to test the map without having to open the game, like the field & creeper simulation but with the ability to simulate also emitters, control units etc.

That's all I wanted to say (I thing, maybe I come up with some more later), I hope I don't sound very demanding or something but I got excited and wanted to make a map and I got really frustrated with that stuff I mentioned. Thanks for your time.
Title: Re: CW2 Editor Suggestions.
Post by: J on November 21, 2011, 09:48:36 AM
1) I don't see any white space in the fields tab (only when I make the window bigger but I don't allways want that)
Also made my own suggestion HERE (
2) Why do you need this? It also will be too complex to create and where do you have to drag/click when moving/changing size/creating a field?
3) Suggested many times before and I think almost everyone wants this in.
4) You can ready create conversations for holocubes, crystals etc. When acquireing an item both things will happen so I don't think this is new.
5) You mean the Deploy working map to game button from CW1? +1
Title: Re: CW2 Editor Suggestions.
Post by: Seonaidh on November 22, 2011, 09:16:36 AM
1. I agree with your suggestions but an expandable window is also desired. Have a look at the attachment. I don't thing that 1920x1080 is way to much for today's tech specs.

2. I mean that you could click & drag a field in the editor instead of clicking on + and then resize/relocate. You could then hold Shift ie and ADD another field to the existing. (Just like selections in Photoshop, if you are familiar with). After that, you could draw the directions with the already great brush tool of the editor, although a fill tool would be great too so you don't have to paint the whole field with the brush.  I don't see any complexity at all to that.

4. As I mentioned already before, the existing ability to add a conversation when acquiring an item is completely different from the ability to trigger something with that conversation generated from the item acquisition.

5. Never used the editor on CW1 but you got the idea I guess.
Title: Re: CW2 Editor Suggestions.
Post by: Grauniad on November 22, 2011, 09:25:38 AM
Quote from: Seonaidh on November 22, 2011, 09:16:36 AM
1. I agree with your suggestions but an expandable window is also desired. Have a look at the attachment. I don't thing that 1920x1080 is way to much for today's tech specs.

Well, Statcounter ( says you are mistaken.

2. I mean that you could click & drag a field in the editor instead of clicking on + and then resize/relocate. You could then hold Shift ie and ADD another field to the existing. (Just like selections in Photoshop, if you are familiar with). After that, you could draw the directions with the already great brush tool of the editor, although a fill tool would be great too so you don't have to paint the whole field with the brush.  I don't see any complexity at all to that.

No complexity hey?  And just how many years have Photoshop being in development and how many programmers work on it?
Title: Re: CW2 Editor Suggestions.
Post by: Seonaidh on November 22, 2011, 09:47:42 AM
Grauniad, I believe I'm addressing to intelligent people here, the mostly used screen resolution doesn't mean that it's also the best, either fits the current media formats or the computer monitors. If you see the Browser statistics, you'll see IE is mostly used, do you use it? I guess not. It's just what most people do. If you think that the members of this forum can be compared to the average mass, you are mistaken. Anyway, I don't think that an expandable list would be such a challenge to be added. I believe that everyone that uses the editor will take advantage of it.

Quote from: Grauniad on November 22, 2011, 09:25:38 AM

No complexity hey?  And just how many years have Photoshop being in development and how many programmers work on it?

Since 1987 and lots of programmers. But I doubt if they were focusing on the selection tool. Also that's totally irrelevant with the complexity of using that hypothetical tool in comparison with the existing.
Title: Re: CW2 Editor Suggestions.
Post by: J on November 22, 2011, 10:23:33 AM
There are enough people here who does NOT have a big screen and I hate scrollbars. I do NOT have 1920x1080 but 1600x900. I think we must keep the original editor size (on startup)
Title: Re: CW2 Editor Suggestions.
Post by: eudrick on November 22, 2011, 07:12:01 PM
How about being able to disable or limit upgrades selectively while designing a map?  I saw (in another thread) that one can load up the technites and upgrade those items that you want in the game engine, save the map to a slot and reload that save in the editor, but when I tried that it didn't take.
Title: Re: CW2 Editor Suggestions.
Post by: UpperKEES on November 22, 2011, 07:18:46 PM
Quote from: J on November 22, 2011, 10:23:33 AM
I think we must keep the original editor size (on startup)

I think the editor should just remember the previous screen size, like almost every application does. :)

Quote from: Seonaidh on November 20, 2011, 02:27:09 PM
Hello there, I would like to express some suggestions for the map editor here. Not sure if they are posted again, I tried to find something similar but without result. So here it goes:

1) Fields are important but creating & editing them is pain in the butt. Is there any possibility to make the field containers list expandable? It's really frustrating scrolling around between 4 lines, especially when you have to deal with 50+ fields. I mean, there's a HUGE empty space below the other field functions, why not take advantage of it?

2) Fields again. It's also very frustrating & counterproductive the way you create, move & resize fields. Why not implementing a simple click & drag method? Not sure if possible, just asking. Also, any chance to merge/combine fields of different shapes and control a complex shape as one field? Could be very helpful.

Those two already are on Virgil's to-do list by the way (but I'm not sure when he will work on it). I'd love to see them implemented, because fields indeed are a pain in the butt to manipulate.

Title: Re: CW2 Editor Suggestions.
Post by: CobraKill on November 22, 2011, 07:19:58 PM
I personally have 1440 x 900 (That's on a 27" display) I should get that bigger...